Their devised, ensemble driven theatrical event takes its inspiration from two Miranda July publications, an art book, Learning To Love You More, and a series of interviews, It Chooses You. Both feature "the frequently wild, sometimes hilarious, and quietly stunning creative lives of a few people living on Earth right now."
NTI/NMTI Company Debut performances of Humans Other Than Yourself are on Friday, May 1 at 7pm and Saturday, May 2 at 7:30pm at the Eugene O’Neill Theater Center’s Waterford, CT campus. Both performances are free and open to the public.
The Company Debut is a signature of the National Theater Institute’s training. Emerging artists are prompted with thematic material and must collaborate to write, compose, produce, cast, direct, design, choreograph, and perform an original production in under two weeks. It is the capstone of 14 weeks of rigorous training in a variety of disciplines including acting, directing, playwriting, design, movement, and voice.