In their first year away from home at university, three women, from three distant corners of England, form an unlikely family under one roof. Life feels boundless and their shared flat on Mossbank Road is...cozy. Living is beautiful and intense. Rose comes from money. Di hasn't the funds for a doctor. Viv is saving herself--but for or from what, the other two wonder...Time catapults them forward, apart, back together, and into each other's laps, hearts, and truths by turns.
Last seen on the West End, Amelia Bullmore's Di and Viv and Rose is a new play that crackles with wisdom and wit.
Featuring Olivia Levine, Raven Pierson, & Leslie Erin Roth
Set & Lights: Reilly Horan
Costumes: Alice Wang
Sound: Beth Lake
Acting Coach: Misha Calvert
Dialects: Amanda Quaid
Dramaturgy: Mirirai Sithole
Stage Manager: Lauren Cannon
Assistant Stage Manager: Jaclyn Lusardi
Producer: Allison Ciuci
Press: Kippy Winston
June 2-19, 2016
Wed-Thurs @7pm, Fri @ 8pm, Sat @ 2pm & 8pm, Sun @ 3pm
The Studio Theatre at Theatre Row
410 W 42 Street
between 9th and 10th Avenues.
A/C/E trains to 42nd Street. 1/2/3/7/N/Q/R/S trains to 42nd Street/Times Square.
Here's a fun interview that I did, about the play and directing in NYC, with!
For more info and to make a donation CLICK HERE!
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